TinyContext - Small Context-subset self-compiler. Less then 1000 lines of code, small changes in input language, fixed input and output file names, many checks are not performed, MS-DOS. Description only in russian.
Postfix - Context's clone with posfix address calculation operator. Evidently correspond to Context 2.02.
Pascal-S - modification of Wirth's Pascal-S system.
Small (~2000 lines) self-compiler written on it's own input language and
virtual machine, Turbo Pascal 4.0-7.0 or Delphi, MS-DOS/Windows console.
Tiny C - Lennart Augustsson's C-subset compiler and virtual machine. Less then 700 lines of code, but in include relatively many language elements and can compile itself. This package uses BCC 5.5 (Windows) or gcc (Linux).
cc500 - Edmund Grimley Evans's small subset of C. Only 650 lines of code, can compile itself. No direct support of arrays but pointers to characters are supported. Memory are managed by operating system. Linux/i386.
Small C - Small C 2.2. Self-compiler, this package