
The following compiler also uses stack as temporary storage for symbols, but the top of stack analysis uses the concepts of grammar points and it sets (i.e. parser states). This is the SLR(0)-parser.

c.def file:

symb ; numb ; name ; type ; var ; array ; fn ; lsb "[" 0 0; rsb "]" 0 0; lcb "(" 0 0; rcb ")" 0 0; assign ":=" 0 0; plus "+" 0 0; minus "-" 0 1; star "*" 0 2; slash "/" 0 3; pct "%" 0 4; lt "<" 0 0; le "<=" 0 1; eq "=" 0 2; ne "!=" 0 3; ge ">=" 0 4; gt ">" 0 5; comma "," 0 0; semi ";" 0 0; is 0 0; begin 0 0; if 0 0; then 0 0; while 0 0; do 0 0; inline 0 0; return 0 0; end 0 0; char 1 1; byte 1 1; word 1 2. Program : 0 Declarations Block | 0 Block ; Block : 10 Main Stmts end ; Declarations : 0 Declarations Declaration | 0 Declaration ; Declaration : 20 TypeName semi | 30 TypeName lsb numb rsb semi | 10 Header Stmts end ; Header : 0 TypeName lcb rcb is | 0 TypeName lcb Args rcb is ; Args : 0 Args comma Arg | 0 Arg ; Arg : 40 TypeName ; TypeName : 50 type name ; Main : 60 begin ; Stmts : 70 Stmts Stmt | 70 Stmt ; Stmt : 80 IfBlk | 80 WhileBlk | 80 Inlines | 90 Ret | 80 Local | 80 Assign | 80 PCall ; IfBlk : 100 IfHdr Stmts end ; IfHdr : 110 if Expr RelOp Expr then ; WhileBlk : 120 WhileHdr Stmts end ; WhileHdr : 110 Loop Expr RelOp Expr do ; Loop : 130 while ; Inlines : 0 inline OpCodes semi ; OpCodes : 0 OpCodes comma OpCode | 0 OpCode ; OpCode : 140 numb ; Ret : 150 return Expr semi ; Local : 160 LocalVar assign Expr semi | 0 LocalVar semi ; LocalVar : 170 TypeName ; Assign : 180 Ref assign Expr semi ; PCall : 0 Call semi ; Expr : 190 Expr Op Value | 0 Value ; Value : 200 symb | 200 numb | 210 Ref | 0 Call | 0 Cast | 0 lcb Expr rcb ; Ref : 0 var | 220 array lsb Expr rsb ; Call : 230 Fn2 ; Fn2 : 240 Fn1 lcb Params Expr rcb | 240 Fn1 lcb Expr rcb | 0 Fn1 lcb rcb ; Params : 250 Params Expr comma | 250 Expr comma ; Fn1 : 260 fn ; Cast : 0 type lcb Expr rcb ; RelOp : 0 lt | 0 le | 0 eq | 0 ne | 0 ge | 0 gt ; Op : 0 plus | 0 minus | 0 star | 0 slash | 0 pct .

c.prg file:

char Text [16384]; word pText; word nText; word nLine; byte Code [16384]; word nCode; word hFile; char Heap [ 2048]; word nHeap; word Jx [ 6]; word nData; word Name [ 256]; word Cls [ 256]; word Sub [ 256]; word Type [ 256]; word Size [ 256]; word Ofs [ 256]; word nName; word Sym [ 96]; word nSym; word Left [ 128]; word Id [ 128]; word pRight [ 128]; word nLeft; word Right [ 384]; word pLeft [ 384]; word nRight; word Point [ 768]; word nPoint; word Stk [ 32]; word Val [ 32]; word Ptr [ 32]; word Frame [ 32]; word pPoint [ 32]; word nStk; char Buff [ 32]; word open() is inline 0xB4, 0x3D; // mov AH, 3DH inline 0xB0, 0x00; // mov AL, 0 inline 0xBA, 0x4A, 0xC1; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Heap[64]) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word create() is inline 0xB4, 0x3C; // mov AH, 3CH inline 0xB9, 0x00, 0x00; // mov CX, 0 inline 0xBA, 0x4A, 0xC1; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Heap[64]) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word read() is inline 0xB4, 0x3F; // mov AH, 3FH inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0xB9, 0x00, 0x40; // mov CX, 16384 inline 0xBA, 0x00, 0x41; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Text) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word write() is inline 0xB4, 0x40; // mov AH, 40H inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0x8B, 0x0E, 0x06, 0xC1; // mov CX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(nCode)] inline 0xBA, 0x06, 0x81; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Code) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word close() is inline 0xB4, 0x3E; // mov AH, 3EH inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end char putc(char C) is char C1:=C; inline 0x92; // xchg DX, AX inline 0xB4, 0x02; // mov AH, 2 inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word halt() is inline 0xB8, 0x00, 0x4C; // mov AX, 4C00H inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word Init() is Heap [ 0]:='0'; Heap [ 1]:='1'; Heap [ 2]:='2'; Heap [ 3]:='3'; Heap [ 4]:='4'; Heap [ 5]:='5'; Heap [ 6]:='6'; Heap [ 7]:='7'; Heap [ 8]:='8'; Heap [ 9]:='9'; Heap [ 10]:='A'; Heap [ 11]:='B'; Heap [ 12]:='C'; Heap [ 13]:='D'; Heap [ 14]:='E'; Heap [ 15]:='F'; Heap [ 16]:='#'; Heap [ 17]:= char(0); Heap [ 64]:='c'; Heap [ 65]:='.'; Heap [ 66]:='d'; // p Heap [ 67]:='e'; // r Heap [ 68]:='f'; // g Heap [ 69]:= char(0); nHeap := 70; Sym [ 1]:= 16; // # nSym := 2; Jx [ 0]:= 0x72; Jx [ 1]:= 0x76; Jx [ 2]:= 0x74; Jx [ 3]:= 0x75; Jx [ 4]:= 0x73; Jx [ 5]:= 0x77; end word Stop() is nStk:=0; while nLine!=0 do Stk[nStk]:=nLine%10; nStk :=nStk+1; nLine :=nLine/10; end while nStk !=0 do nStk :=nStk-1; putc(char(Stk[nStk]+48)); end close(); halt (); end word val () is word E:=10; word J:= 0; if Buff[0]='0' then if Buff[1]='x' then E:=16; J:= 2; end end word N:=0; while Buff[J]!=char(0) do word K:=0; while Heap[K]!=Buff[J] do if K=E then Stop(); end K:=K+1; end N:=E*N; N:=N+K; J:=J+1; end return N; end word Copy() is word pHeap:=nHeap; word pBuff:=0; while Buff[pBuff]!=char(0) do Heap[nHeap]:= Buff[pBuff]; nHeap :=nHeap+1; pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Heap[nHeap]:=char(0); nHeap :=nHeap+1; return pHeap; end word Comp(word pHeap) is word pBuff:=0; while Buff[pBuff]=Heap[pHeap] do if Buff[pBuff]=char(0) then return 0; end pHeap:=pHeap+1; pBuff:=pBuff+1; end return 1; end char Look() is if pText>=nText then pText:=0; nText:=read(); if pText>=nText then return char(0); end end return Text[pText]; end char Read() is char C:=Look(); pText :=pText+1; return C; end word isalpha (char C) is if 'A'<=C then if C<='Z' then return 0; end end if 'a'<=C then if C<='z' then return 0; end end return 1; end word isnumber(char C) is if '0'<=C then if C<='9' then return 0; end end return 1; end word isalnum (char C) is if isalpha (C)=0 then return 0; end if isnumber(C)=0 then return 0; end return 1; end word Digraph(char C1, char C2) is if Buff[0]=C1 then if Look()=C2 then Buff[1]:=Read(); Buff[2]:=char(0); end end end char Scan() is word pBuff:=0; while pBuff =0 do word sFlag:=0; while sFlag =0 do if Look()!=char( 9) then if Look()!=char(10) then if Look()!=char(13) then if Look()!=char(32) then sFlag:=1; end end end end if sFlag=0 then if Read()=char(10) then nLine:=nLine+1; end end end //if pBuff=0 then while isalnum(Look())=0 do Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end //end if pBuff=0 then Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end if Buff[0]=''' then Buff[pBuff]:=Read(); // char pBuff :=pBuff+1; Buff[pBuff]:=Read(); // ' pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Buff[pBuff] :=char(0); Digraph('<', '='); Digraph('!', '='); Digraph('>', '='); Digraph(':', '='); if Buff[0]='/' then if Look()='/' then while Look()!=char(10) do if Read()=char( 0) then Stop(); end end pBuff:=0; end end end end word pSymb; word pProg; word L; word V; word Alter() is L:=1; word pName:=0; while pName <nName do word pHeap:=Name[pName]; if Heap[pHeap]!=char(0) then if Comp(pHeap)=0 then L:=pSymb+2; L:=L+Cls[pName]; V:=pName; if Cls [pName]=0 then L:=Ofs [pName]; V:=Size[pName]; end return L; end end pName:=pName+1; end if Buff[0]=''' then L:=pSymb; V:= word(Buff[1]); end if isnumber(Buff[0])=0 then L:=pSymb+1; V:= val (); end if isalpha (Buff[0])=0 then L:=pSymb+2; V:= Copy(); end return L; end word Find() is word I:=1; while I<nSym do if Comp(Sym[I])=0 then return I; end I:=I+1; end Sym [nSym]:= Copy(); nSym :=nSym +1; return I; end word IsEnd() is Scan(); if Buff[0]!='|' then if Buff[0]!=';' then if Buff[0]!='.' then return 1; end end end return 0; end word AddSym(word pSym) is Right[nRight]:=pSym; pLeft[nRight]:=nLeft; nRight :=nRight+1; end word LoadGrammar() is hFile := open(); pText := 0; nText := 0; nLine := 1; pSymb :=nSym; nName := 0; Buff[0] := ';'; while Buff[0]= ';' do Scan(); word pSym:=Find(); Scan(); if Buff[0]!=';' then Name[nName]:= Sym [pSym]; if Buff[0]='"' then Scan(); Name[nName]:=Copy(); Scan(); // " Scan(); end Cls [nName]:= val (); Scan(); Size[nName]:= val (); Ofs [nName]:=pSym; nName :=nName+1; Scan(); // ; end end pProg :=nSym; nLeft := 0; nRight := 0; Buff[0] := ';'; while Buff[0]= ';' do Scan(); word pSym:=Find(); Scan(); Buff[0]:='|'; while Buff[0]='|' do Scan(); Left [nLeft]:=pSym; Id [nLeft]:= val(); pRight[nLeft]:=nRight; while IsEnd()!=0 do AddSym(Find()); end AddSym(0); nLeft :=nLeft+1; end end close(); end byte Emi1(byte C) is Code[nCode]:=C; nCode:=nCode+1; end byte Emi2(word W) is Emi1(W%256); Emi1(W/256); end word lFlag; word Push() is if lFlag!=0 then Emi1(0x50); // push AX end lFlag:=1; end word Pop() is Emi1(0x5B); // pop BX end word Move(word I, byte C) is Emi1(C); C:=0x06; // [Ofs] if Cls[I]=3 then C:=0x87; // [BX+Ofs] end Emi1(C); Emi2(Ofs[I]); end word Save(word I) is byte C:=0x89; // mov [(BX+)Ofs], AX if Size[Type[I]]=1 then C:=0x88; // mov [(BX+)Ofs], AL end Move(I, C); end word Hide() is word H:=Frame[nStk]; while H<nName do Heap[Name[H]]:=char(0); H:=H+1; end end word Patch(word C, word S, word N) is Cls [Val[nStk]]:= C; Sub [Val[nStk]]:= S; Size[Val[nStk]]:= N; Ofs [Val[nStk]]:=nData; word D := Size[Type[Val[nStk]]]*Size[Val[nStk]]; nData :=nData+D; if nData%2!=0 then nData:=nData+1; end end word Param(word I) is if Ptr[I]>=nName then Stop(); end if Sub[Ptr[I]]!=1 then Stop(); end Save(Ptr[I]); Ptr[I]:=Ptr[I]+1; lFlag:=0; end word rFlag; word Action(word A) is if A= 10 then if rFlag=0 then Emi1(0xC3); // retn end Hide(); end if A= 20 then Patch(2, 0, 1); end if A= 30 then Patch(3, 0, Val[nStk+2]); end if A= 40 then Patch(2, 1, 1); end if A= 50 then Name [nName]:= Val[nStk+1]; Cls [nName]:= 4; Sub [nName]:= 0; Type [nName]:= Val[nStk]; Ofs [nName]:=nCode; Val [nStk] :=nName; nName :=nName+1; Frame[nStk] :=nName; end if A= 60 then word N := nCode-3; Code[1]:= N%256; Code[2]:= N/256; Frame[nStk] :=nName; end if A= 70 then lFlag:=0; end if A= 80 then lFlag:=0; rFlag:=0; end if A= 90 then lFlag:=0; rFlag:=1; end if A=100 then word N:=(nCode-Val[nStk])-3; Code[Val[nStk]+1]:=N%256; Code[Val[nStk]+2]:=N/256; Hide(); end if A=110 then Pop(); Emi1(0x3B); // cmp BX, AX Emi1(0xD8); Emi1(Jx[Val[nStk+2]]); // jxx $+3 Emi1(0x03); Ptr [nStk]:= Val[nStk]; Val [nStk]:=nCode; Frame[nStk]:=nName; Emi1(0xE9); // jmp ? Emi2(0x00); lFlag:=0; end if A=120 then word W:=(0xFFFF-((nCode+3)-Ptr[nStk]))+1; Emi1(0xE9); // jmp Ofs Emi2(W); word N:=(nCode-Val[nStk])-3; Code[Val[nStk]+1]:=N%256; Code[Val[nStk]+2]:=N/256; Hide(); end if A=130 then Val[nStk]:=nCode; end if A=140 then Emi1(Val[nStk]); end if A=150 then Emi1(0xC3); // retn end if A=160 then Save(Val[nStk]); end if A=170 then Patch(2, 2, 1); end if A=180 then word I:=Val[nStk]; if Cls[I]=3 then Pop(); end Save(I); end if A=190 then word I:=Val[nStk+1]; Pop(); if I =0 then Emi1(0x03); // add AX, BX Emi1(0xC3); end if I =1 then Emi1(0x93); // xchg BX, AX Emi1(0x2B); // sub AX, BX Emi1(0xC3); end if I =2 then Emi1(0xF7); // mul BX Emi1(0xE3); end if I>=3 then Emi1(0x93); // xchg BX, AX Emi1(0x33); // xor DX, DX Emi1(0xD2); Emi1(0xF7); // div BX Emi1(0xF3); end if I =4 then Emi1(0x92); // xchg DX, AX end end if A=200 then Push(); Emi1(0xB8); // mov AX, Val Emi2(Val[nStk]); end if A=210 then word I:=Val[nStk]; if Cls[I]!=3 then Push(); end if Cls[I] =3 then Emi1(0x93); // xchg BX, AX end byte C:=0x8B; // mov AX, [(BX+)Ofs] if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi1(0x32); // xor AH, AH Emi1(0xE4); C:=0x8A; // mov AL, [(BX+)Ofs] end Move(I, C); lFlag:=1; end if A=220 then if Size[Type[Val[nStk]]]!=1 then Emi1(0xD1); // shl AX, 1 Emi1(0xE0); end end if A=230 then if Ptr[nStk]<nName then if Sub[Ptr[nStk]]=1 then Stop(); end end Push(); word W:=(0xFFFF-((nCode+3)-Ofs[Val[nStk]]))+1; Emi1(0xE8); // call Ofs Emi2(W); end if A=240 then Param(nStk); end if A=250 then Param(nStk-2); end if A=260 then Ptr[nStk]:=Val[nStk]+1; end end word AddPoint(word I, word P) is while I<nPoint do if Point[I]=P then return I; end I:=I+1; end Point[nPoint]:= P; nPoint :=nPoint+1; end word Closure(word pPoint1) is word I:=pPoint1; while I< nPoint do word J:=0; while J< nLeft do if Left[J]=Right[Point[I]] then AddPoint(pPoint1, pRight[J]); end J:=J+1; end I:=I+1; end end word Shift() is word S:= Stk [nStk]; word N:=nPoint; word I:=pPoint[nStk]; while I< N do if Right[Point[I]]=S then Point[nPoint]:= Point[I]+1; nPoint :=nPoint +1; end I:=I+1; end if nPoint=N then Stop(); end nStk :=nStk+1; pPoint[nStk]:=N; Closure(pPoint[nStk]); end word Reduce(word R) is word pL :=pLeft[R]; nStk :=nStk-(R-pRight[pL]); nPoint :=pPoint[nStk+1]; Stk[nStk]:= Left[pL]; Action(Id[pL]); end word CheckTop() is word S:=0; word R:=nRight; word I:=pPoint[nStk]; while I< nPoint do if Right[Point[I]]!=0 then if R<nRight then Stop(); end S:=1; end if Right[Point[I]] =0 then if S!=0 then Stop(); end if R<nRight then Stop(); end R:=Point[I]; end I:=I+1; end return R; end word Compile() is Heap [ 66]:='p'; Heap [ 67]:='r'; Heap [ 68]:='g'; hFile := open(); pText := 0; nText := 0; nLine := 1; lFlag := 0; rFlag := 0; nCode := 0; nData :=16640; Emi1(0xE9); // jmp ? Emi2(0x00); Stk [0] := 1; // # pPoint[0] := 0; nStk := 0; Point [0] := nRight; nPoint := 1; Left [nLeft]:= 1; // # pRight[nLeft]:= nRight; AddSym(pProg); // Program AddSym(1); // # AddSym(0); nLeft := nLeft+1; Closure(pPoint[nStk]); while Stk[0]!=pProg do Scan (); Alter(); Stk [nStk]:=L; Val [nStk]:=V; Shift(); word R:=CheckTop(); while R< nRight do Reduce(R); Shift (); R:=CheckTop(); end end close(); Heap [ 66]:='c'; Heap [ 67]:='o'; Heap [ 68]:='m'; hFile:=create(); write(); close(); end begin Init(); LoadGrammar(); Compile(); end

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