Yet another simple compiler for CP/M-80

There are two sources - cross compiler (host - DOS, target - CP/M) and self compiler (host and target - CP/M). Compiled program must be placed in file with name C.PRG, compiled result are saved in file C.COM. CP/M version was tested in MYZ80 1.24 CP/M emulator.

char Text [16384]; word pText; word nText; word nLine; byte Code [16384]; word nCode; word hFile; char Heap [ 2048]; word nHeap; word Name [ 144]; word Cls [ 144]; word Sub [ 144]; word Type [ 144]; word Size [ 144]; word Ofs [ 144]; word nName; word nData; word Stk [ 128]; word pStk; char Buff [ 128]; word open() is inline 0xB0, 0x00; // mov AL, 00H inline 0xB4, 0x3D; // mov AH, 3DH inline 0xB2, 0x4A; // mov DL, Lo(@@Data+Ofs(Heap[64])) inline 0xB6, 0xC1; // mov DH, Hi(@@Data+Ofs(Heap[64])) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H inline 0x8A, 0xD0; // mov DL, AL inline 0x8A, 0xF4; // int DH, AH end word create() is inline 0xB4, 0x3C; // mov AH, 03CH inline 0xB1, 0x00; // mov CL, 00H inline 0xB5, 0x00; // mov CH, 00H inline 0xB2, 0x50; // mov DL, Lo(@@Data+Ofs(Heap[70])) inline 0xB6, 0xC1; // mov DH, Hi(@@Data+Ofs(Heap[70])) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H inline 0x8A, 0xD0; // mov DL, AL inline 0x8A, 0xF4; // int DH, AH end word read() is inline 0xB4, 0x3F; // mov AH, 3FH inline 0x8A, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BL, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0x8A, 0x3E, 0x09, 0xC1; // mov BH, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)+1] inline 0xB1, 0x00; // mov CL, 00H inline 0xB5, 0x40; // mov CH, 40H inline 0xB2, 0x00; // mov DL, Lo(@@DATA+Ofs(Text)) inline 0xB6, 0x41; // mov DH, Hi(@@DATA+Ofs(Text)) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H inline 0x8A, 0xD0; // mov DL, AL inline 0x8A, 0xF4; // int DH, AH end word write() is inline 0xB4, 0x40; // mov AH, 40H inline 0x8A, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BL, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0x8A, 0x3E, 0x09, 0xC1; // mov BH, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)+1] inline 0x8A, 0x0E, 0x06, 0xC1; // mov CL, [@@DATA+Ofs(nCode)] inline 0x8A, 0x2E, 0x07, 0xC1; // mov CH, [@@DATA+Ofs(nCode)+1] inline 0xB2, 0x06; // mov DL, Lo(@@DATA+Ofs(Code)) inline 0xB6, 0x81; // mov DH, Hi(@@DATA+Ofs(Code)) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word close() is inline 0xB4, 0x3E; // mov AH, 3EH inline 0x8A, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BL, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0x8A, 0x3E, 0x09, 0xC1; // mov BH, [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)+1] inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end char putc(char C) is char C1:=C; inline 0x86, 0xD0; // xchg DL, AL inline 0xB4, 0x02; // mov AH, 2 inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word halt() is inline 0xB0, 0x00; // mov AL, 00H inline 0xB4, 0x4C; // mov AH, 4CH inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word mul (word A, word B) is word M:=0; while B >0 do word T :=A; word I :=1; while B-I>=I do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end M:=M+T; B:=B-I; end return M; end word div (word A, word B) is word D:=0; while A>=B do word T :=B; word I :=1; while A-T>=T do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end A:=A-T; D:=D+I; end return D; end word mod (word A, word B) is return A-mul(div(A,B),B); end word Init() is Heap[ 0]:='0'; Heap[ 1]:='1'; Heap[ 2]:='2'; Heap[ 3]:='3'; Heap[ 4]:='4'; Heap[ 5]:='5'; Heap[ 6]:='6'; Heap[ 7]:='7'; Heap[ 8]:='8'; Heap[ 9]:='9'; Heap[10]:='A'; Heap[11]:='B'; Heap[12]:='C'; Heap[13]:='D'; Heap[14]:='E'; Heap[15]:='F'; Heap[16]:='c'; Heap[17]:='h'; Heap[18]:='a'; Heap[19]:='r'; Heap[20]:= char(0); Heap[21]:='b'; Heap[22]:='y'; Heap[23]:='t'; Heap[24]:='e'; Heap[25]:= char(0); Heap[26]:='w'; Heap[27]:='o'; Heap[28]:='r'; Heap[29]:='d'; Heap[30]:= char(0); Heap[31]:='b'; Heap[32]:='e'; Heap[33]:='g'; Heap[34]:='i'; Heap[35]:='n'; Heap[36]:= char(0); Heap[37]:='i'; Heap[38]:='f'; Heap[39]:= char(0); Heap[40]:='w'; Heap[41]:='h'; Heap[42]:='i'; Heap[43]:='l'; Heap[44]:='e'; Heap[45]:= char(0); Heap[46]:='i'; Heap[47]:='n'; Heap[48]:='l'; Heap[49]:='i'; Heap[50]:='n'; Heap[51]:='e'; Heap[52]:= char(0); Heap[53]:='r'; Heap[54]:='e'; Heap[55]:='t'; Heap[56]:='u'; Heap[57]:='r'; Heap[58]:='n'; Heap[59]:= char(0); Heap[60]:='e'; Heap[61]:='n'; Heap[62]:='d'; Heap[63]:= char(0); Heap[64]:='c'; Heap[65]:='.'; Heap[66]:='p'; Heap[67]:='r'; Heap[68]:='g'; Heap[69]:= char(0); Heap[70]:='c'; Heap[71]:='.'; Heap[72]:='c'; Heap[73]:='o'; Heap[74]:='m'; Heap[75]:= char(0); nHeap :=76; Name[ 0]:=16; Cls [ 0]:= 1; Size[ 0]:= 1; Name[ 1]:=21; Cls [ 1]:= 1; Size[ 1]:= 1; Name[ 2]:=26; Cls [ 2]:= 1; Size[ 2]:= 2; nName := 3; pStk := 0; nCode := 0; nData := 16640; end word Push(word V) is Stk[pStk]:=V; pStk:=pStk+1; end word Pop () is pStk:=pStk-1; return Stk[pStk]; end word Stop() is close(); pStk:=0; while nLine!=0 do Push (mod(nLine,10)); nLine:=div(nLine,10); end while pStk!=0 do putc(char(Pop()+48)); end halt(); end word val () is word E:=10; word I:= 0; if Buff[0]='0' then if Buff[1]='x' then E:=16; I:= 2; end end word N:=0; while Buff[I]!=char(0) do word K:=0; while Heap[K]!=Buff[I] do if K=E then Stop(); end K:=K+1; end N:=mul(N,E)+K; I:=I+1; end return N; end char Look() is if pText>=nText then pText :=0; nText :=read(); if pText>=nText then return char(0); end end return Text[pText]; end char Read() is char Ch:=Look(); if Ch =char(10) then nLine :=nLine+1; end pText :=pText+1; return Ch; end word isalnum() is if 'A'<=Look() then if Look()<='Z' then return 0; end end if 'a'<=Look() then if Look()<='z' then return 0; end end if '0'<=Look() then if Look()<='9' then return 0; end end return 1; end word Digraph(char C1, char C2) is if Buff[0]=C1 then if Look()=C2 then Buff[1]:=Read(); Buff[2]:=char(0); end end end char Scan() is word pBuff:=0; while pBuff =0 do word sFlag:=0; while sFlag =0 do if Look()!=char( 9) then if Look()!=char(10) then if Look()!=char(13) then if Look()!=char(32) then sFlag:=1; end end end end if sFlag=0 then Read(); end end while isalnum()=0 do Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end if pBuff=0 then Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Buff[pBuff] :=char(0); Digraph('<','='); Digraph('!','='); Digraph('>','='); Digraph(':','='); if Buff[0]='/' then if Look()='/' then while Look()!=char(10) do if Read()=char(0) then Stop(); end end pBuff:=0; end end end end word Comp(word pHeap) is word pBuff:=0; while Buff[pBuff]=Heap[pHeap] do if Buff[pBuff]=char(0) then return 0; end pHeap:=pHeap+1; pBuff:=pBuff+1; end return 1; end word Find(word fFlag) is word pName:=0; while pName< nName do if Comp(Name[pName])=0 then return pName; end pName:=pName+1; end if fFlag=0 then Stop(); end return pName; end byte Emi1(byte B) is Code[nCode]:=B; nCode:=nCode+1; end word Emi2(word W) is Emi1(mod(W,256)); Emi1(div(W,256)); end word Emi3(word P, word W) is W:=W+256; Code[P] :=mod(W,256); Code[P+1]:=div(W,256); end word MkBX(word I) is if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi1(0xEB); // xchg Emi1(0x29); // dad H Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi1(0x21); // lxi H, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end Emi1(0x19); // dad D end word Mov (word E, word D, word I) is if Size[I]=1 then Emi1(0x21); // lxi H, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end Emi1(E); // mov E, M (mov M, E) if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi1(0x23); // inx H Emi1(D); // mov D, M (mov M, D) end end word Assign(word I) is if Size[I]>1 then Emi1(0xE1); // pop H end Mov (0x73,0x72,I); end word Expr() is word eFlag:=0; //if eFlag =0 then if '0'<=Buff[0] then if Buff[0]<='9' then Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(val()); eFlag:=1; end end if Buff[0]=''' then Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(word(Read())); Read(); eFlag:=1; end if Buff[0]='(' then Scan(); Expr(); eFlag:=1; end //end if eFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then Push(I); Scan(); // ( Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Push(I); Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); MkBX(I); end Mov (0x5E,0x56,I); if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi1(0x16); // mvi D, 0 Emi1(0x00); end end if Cls[I]=3 then Scan(); // ( Push(I); Sub[nName]:= 0; word J:=I+1; while Sub[J]=1 do Push(J); Scan(); Expr(); J:=Pop(); Assign(J); J:=J+1; end I:=Pop(); if J=I+1 then Scan(); // ) end Emi1(0xCD); // call Ofs Emi2(Ofs[I]+256); end end Scan(); byte Op1:=0; byte Op2:=0; if Buff[0]='+' then Op1:=0x83; // add E Op2:=0x8A; // adc D end if Buff[0]='-' then Op1:=0x93; // sub E Op2:=0x9A; // sbb D end if Op1!=0 then Emi1(0xD5); // push D Push(Op1); Push(Op2); Scan(); Expr(); Op2:=Pop(); Op1:=Pop(); Emi1(0xE1); // pop H Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(Op1); // op1 E Emi1(0x5F); // mov E, A Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(Op2); // op2 D Emi1(0x57); // mov D, A end end word Jump(byte jCode, word jOfs) is if jOfs=0 then Push(nCode); end Emi1(jCode); // jxx Addr Emi2(nCode+jOfs); end word Cond() is Scan(); Expr(); word jType := 0; word jOfs1 := 0; word jCode2:=0xD2; // jnc if Buff[0]='<' then jType := 1; if Buff[1]='=' then jType := 2; jCode2 :=0xDA; // jc end end if Buff[0]='=' then jType := 4; jCode2 :=0xC2; // jnz end if Buff[0]='!' then jType := 3; jOfs1 := 263; jCode2 :=0xCA; // jz end if Buff[0]='>' then jType := 2; if Buff[1]='=' then jType := 1; jCode2 :=0xDA; // jc end end if jType=0 then Stop(); end Emi1(0xD5); // push D Scan(); Expr(); Emi1(0xE1); // pop H if jType=1 then Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(0x93); // sub E Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(0x9A); // sbb D end if jType=2 then Emi1(0x7B); // mov A, E Emi1(0x95); // sub L Emi1(0x7A); // mov A, D Emi1(0x9C); // sbb H end if jType>=3 then Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(0x93); // sub E Jump(0xC2, jOfs1); // jnz Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(0x92); // sub D end if jType!=4 then Push(nCode); end Jump (jCode2, 0x00); end word Obj (word T) is if Cls[T]!=1 then Stop(); end Name[nName]:=nHeap; Type[nName]:= T; Scan(); if Find(1)<nName then Stop(); end word pBuff:=0; char Ch :=char(1); while Ch !=char(0) do Ch := Buff[pBuff]; Heap[nHeap]:= Ch; nHeap :=nHeap+1; pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Scan(); return nName; end char Var (word Subclass) is Cls [nName]:= 2; Sub [nName]:= Subclass; Size[nName]:= 1; Ofs [nName]:=nData; if Buff[0]='[' then if Subclass!=0 then Stop(); end Scan(); Size[nName]:=val(); Scan(); // ] Scan(); // ; end nData :=nData+mul(Size[nName],Size[Type[nName]]); nName :=nName+1; return Buff[0]; end word Hide() is word I:=Pop(); while I< nName do Heap[Name[I]]:=char(0); I :=I+1; end end word rFlag; word Ctrl() is word cFlag:=0; //if cFlag =0 then if Comp(37)=0 then // if Cond(); Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); Emi3(Pop()+1,nCode); Emi3(Pop()+1,nCode); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end //end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(40)=0 then // while Push(nCode); Cond(); Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); word pExit2:=Pop(); word pExit1:=Pop(); word pLoop :=Pop(); Emi1(0xC3); // jmp Ofs Emi2(pLoop+256); Emi3(pExit1+1,nCode); Emi3(pExit2+1,nCode); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(46)=0 then // inline Buff[0]:=','; while Buff[0]=',' do Scan(); Emi1(val()); // db Val Scan(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(53)=0 then // return Scan(); Expr(); Emi1(0xC9); // ret rFlag:=0; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then word N:=Obj(I); if Var(2)=':' then Scan(); Expr(); Assign(N); end end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); MkBX(I); Emi1(0xE5); // push H end Scan(); // := Scan(); Expr(); Assign(I); end if Cls[I]=3 then Expr(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 end Scan(); end word Func() is Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end if rFlag!=0 then // 14.05.2006 // if rFlag=0 then Emi1(0xC9); // ret end end begin Init(); hFile:=open(); pText:=0; nText:=0; nLine:=1; Emi1(0xC3); // jmp ? nCode:=nCode+2; Scan(); while Comp(31)!=0 do // !begin Obj (Find(0)); char Ch:=Buff[0]; if Ch ='(' then Cls [nName]:= 3; Sub [nName]:= 0; Ofs [nName]:=nCode; nName :=nName+1; Push(nName); Scan(); if Buff[0]!=')' then Obj (Find(0)); while Var(1)=',' do Scan(); Obj (Find(0)); end end Scan(); // is Func(); Hide(); end if Ch!='(' then Var(0); end Scan(); end Emi3 (1,nCode); Func (); while mod(nCode,128)!=0 do Emi1(0x1A); end close(); hFile:=create(); write(); close(); end

CP/M version are based on code listed above but has another I/O functions and some other differnces:

byte FCB [ 36]; byte DMA [ 128]; word pText; word nText; word nLine; byte Code [16384]; word nCode; char Heap [ 2048]; word nHeap; word Name [ 144]; word Cls [ 144]; word Sub [ 144]; word Type [ 144]; word Size [ 144]; word Ofs [ 144]; word nName; word nData; word Stk [ 128]; word pStk; char Buff [ 128]; word setdma() is inline 0x0E, 0x1A; // mvi C, 1AH inline 0x11, 0x24, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word open() is inline 0x0E, 0x0F; // mvi C, 0FH inline 0x11, 0x00, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word create() is inline 0x0E, 0x16; // mvi C, 16H inline 0x11, 0x00, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word read() is inline 0x0E, 0x14; // mvi C, 14H inline 0x11, 0x00, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 inline 0x5F; // mov E, A inline 0x16, 0x00; // mvi D, 0 end word write() is inline 0x0E, 0x15; // mvi C, 15H inline 0x11, 0x00, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word close() is inline 0x0E, 0x10; // mvi C, 10H inline 0x11, 0x00, 0x41; // lxi D inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end char putc(char C) is inline 0x0E, 0x02; // mvi C, 2 inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word halt() is inline 0x0E, 0x00; // mvi C, 00H inline 0xCD, 0x05, 0x00; // call 5 end word mul (word A, word B) is word M:=0; while B >0 do word T :=A; word I :=1; while B-I>=I do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end M:=M+T; B:=B-I; end return M; end word div (word A, word B) is word D:=0; while A>=B do word T :=B; word I :=1; while A-T>=T do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end A:=A-T; D:=D+I; end return D; end word mod (word A, word B) is return A-mul(div(A,B),B); end word Init() is Heap[ 0]:='0'; Heap[ 1]:='1'; Heap[ 2]:='2'; Heap[ 3]:='3'; Heap[ 4]:='4'; Heap[ 5]:='5'; Heap[ 6]:='6'; Heap[ 7]:='7'; Heap[ 8]:='8'; Heap[ 9]:='9'; Heap[10]:='A'; Heap[11]:='B'; Heap[12]:='C'; Heap[13]:='D'; Heap[14]:='E'; Heap[15]:='F'; Heap[16]:='c'; Heap[17]:='h'; Heap[18]:='a'; Heap[19]:='r'; Heap[20]:= char(0); Heap[21]:='b'; Heap[22]:='y'; Heap[23]:='t'; Heap[24]:='e'; Heap[25]:= char(0); Heap[26]:='w'; Heap[27]:='o'; Heap[28]:='r'; Heap[29]:='d'; Heap[30]:= char(0); Heap[31]:='b'; Heap[32]:='e'; Heap[33]:='g'; Heap[34]:='i'; Heap[35]:='n'; Heap[36]:= char(0); Heap[37]:='i'; Heap[38]:='f'; Heap[39]:= char(0); Heap[40]:='w'; Heap[41]:='h'; Heap[42]:='i'; Heap[43]:='l'; Heap[44]:='e'; Heap[45]:= char(0); Heap[46]:='i'; Heap[47]:='n'; Heap[48]:='l'; Heap[49]:='i'; Heap[50]:='n'; Heap[51]:='e'; Heap[52]:= char(0); Heap[53]:='r'; Heap[54]:='e'; Heap[55]:='t'; Heap[56]:='u'; Heap[57]:='r'; Heap[58]:='n'; Heap[59]:= char(0); Heap[60]:='e'; Heap[61]:='n'; Heap[62]:='d'; Heap[63]:= char(0); nHeap :=64; Name[ 0]:=16; Cls [ 0]:= 1; Size[ 0]:= 1; Name[ 1]:=21; Cls [ 1]:= 1; Size[ 1]:= 1; Name[ 2]:=26; Cls [ 2]:= 1; Size[ 2]:= 2; nName := 3; pStk := 0; nCode := 0; nData := 16640; end word Push(word V) is Stk[pStk]:=V; pStk:=pStk+1; end word Pop () is pStk:=pStk-1; return Stk[pStk]; end word Stop() is close(); pStk:=0; while nLine!=0 do Push (mod(nLine,10)); nLine:=div(nLine,10); end while pStk!=0 do putc(char(Pop()+48)); end halt(); end word val () is word E:=10; word I:= 0; if Buff[0]='0' then if Buff[1]='x' then E:=16; I:= 2; end end word N:=0; while Buff[I]!=char(0) do word K:=0; while Heap[K]!=Buff[I] do if K=E then Stop(); end K:=K+1; end N:=mul(N,E)+K; I:=I+1; end return N; end char Look() is if pText>=nText then if read()!=0 then return char(0); end pText:= 0; nText:=128; end return char(DMA[pText]); end char Read() is char Ch:=Look(); if Ch =char(10) then nLine :=nLine+1; end pText :=pText+1; return Ch; end word isalnum() is if 'A'<=Look() then if Look()<='Z' then return 0; end end if 'a'<=Look() then if Look()<='z' then return 0; end end if '0'<=Look() then if Look()<='9' then return 0; end end return 1; end word Digraph(char C1, char C2) is if Buff[0]=C1 then if Look()=C2 then Buff[1]:=Read(); Buff[2]:=char(0); end end end char Scan() is word pBuff:=0; while pBuff =0 do word sFlag:=0; while sFlag =0 do if Look()!=char( 9) then if Look()!=char(10) then if Look()!=char(13) then if Look()!=char(32) then sFlag:=1; end end end end if sFlag=0 then Read(); end end while isalnum()=0 do Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end if pBuff=0 then Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Buff[pBuff] :=char(0); Digraph('<','='); Digraph('!','='); Digraph('>','='); Digraph(':','='); if Buff[0]='/' then if Look()='/' then while Look()!=char(10) do if Read()=char(0) then Stop(); end end pBuff:=0; end end end end word Comp(word pHeap) is word pBuff:=0; while Buff[pBuff]=Heap[pHeap] do if Buff[pBuff]=char(0) then return 0; end pHeap:=pHeap+1; pBuff:=pBuff+1; end return 1; end word Find(word fFlag) is word pName:=0; while pName< nName do if Comp(Name[pName])=0 then return pName; end pName:=pName+1; end if fFlag=0 then Stop(); end return pName; end byte Emi1(byte B) is Code[nCode]:=B; nCode:=nCode+1; end word Emi2(word W) is Emi1(mod(W,256)); Emi1(div(W,256)); end word Emi3(word P, word W) is W:=W+256; Code[P] :=mod(W,256); Code[P+1]:=div(W,256); end word MkBX(word I) is if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi1(0xEB); // xchg Emi1(0x29); // dad H Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi1(0x21); // lxi H, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end Emi1(0x19); // dad D end word Mov (word E, word D, word I) is if Size[I]=1 then Emi1(0x21); // lxi H, Val Emi2(Ofs[I]); end Emi1(E); // mov E, M (mov M, E) if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi1(0x23); // inx H Emi1(D); // mov D, M (mov M, D) end end word Assign(word I) is if Size[I]>1 then Emi1(0xE1); // pop H end Mov (0x73,0x72,I); end word Expr() is word eFlag:=0; //if eFlag =0 then if '0'<=Buff[0] then if Buff[0]<='9' then Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(val()); eFlag:=1; end end if Buff[0]=''' then Emi1(0x11); // lxi D, Val Emi2(word(Read())); Read(); eFlag:=1; end if Buff[0]='(' then Scan(); Expr(); eFlag:=1; end //end if eFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then Push(I); Scan(); // ( Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Push(I); Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); MkBX(I); end Mov (0x5E,0x56,I); if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi1(0x16); // mvi D, 0 Emi1(0x00); end end if Cls[I]=3 then Scan(); // ( Push(I); Sub[nName]:= 0; word J:=I+1; while Sub[J]=1 do Push(J); Scan(); Expr(); J:=Pop(); Assign(J); J:=J+1; end I:=Pop(); if J=I+1 then Scan(); // ) end Emi1(0xCD); // call Ofs Emi2(Ofs[I]+256); end end Scan(); byte Op1:=0; byte Op2:=0; if Buff[0]='+' then Op1:=0x83; // add E Op2:=0x8A; // adc D end if Buff[0]='-' then Op1:=0x93; // sub E Op2:=0x9A; // sbb D end if Op1!=0 then Emi1(0xD5); // push D Push(Op1); Push(Op2); Scan(); Expr(); Op2:=Pop(); Op1:=Pop(); Emi1(0xE1); // pop H Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(Op1); // op1 E Emi1(0x5F); // mov E, A Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(Op2); // op2 D Emi1(0x57); // mov D, A end end word Jump(byte jCode, word jOfs) is if jOfs=0 then Push(nCode); end Emi1(jCode); // jxx Addr Emi2(nCode+jOfs); end word Cond() is Scan(); Expr(); word jType := 0; word jOfs1 := 0; word jCode2:=0xD2; // jnc if Buff[0]='<' then jType := 1; if Buff[1]='=' then jType := 2; jCode2 :=0xDA; // jc end end if Buff[0]='=' then jType := 4; jCode2 :=0xC2; // jnz end if Buff[0]='!' then jType := 3; jOfs1 := 263; jCode2 :=0xCA; // jz end if Buff[0]='>' then jType := 2; if Buff[1]='=' then jType := 1; jCode2 :=0xDA; // jc end end if jType=0 then Stop(); end Emi1(0xD5); // push D Scan(); Expr(); Emi1(0xE1); // pop H if jType=1 then Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(0x93); // sub E Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(0x9A); // sbb D end if jType=2 then Emi1(0x7B); // mov A, E Emi1(0x95); // sub L Emi1(0x7A); // mov A, D Emi1(0x9C); // sbb H end if jType>=3 then Emi1(0x7D); // mov A, L Emi1(0x93); // sub E Jump(0xC2, jOfs1); // jnz Emi1(0x7C); // mov A, H Emi1(0x92); // sub D end if jType!=4 then Push(nCode); end Jump (jCode2, 0x00); end word Obj (word T) is if Cls[T]!=1 then Stop(); end Name[nName]:=nHeap; Type[nName]:= T; Scan(); if Find(1)<nName then Stop(); end word pBuff:=0; char Ch :=char(1); while Ch !=char(0) do Ch := Buff[pBuff]; Heap[nHeap]:= Ch; nHeap :=nHeap+1; pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Scan(); return nName; end char Var (word Subclass) is Cls [nName]:= 2; Sub [nName]:= Subclass; Size[nName]:= 1; Ofs [nName]:=nData; if Buff[0]='[' then if Subclass!=0 then Stop(); end Scan(); Size[nName]:=val(); Scan(); // ] Scan(); // ; end nData :=nData+mul(Size[nName],Size[Type[nName]]); nName :=nName+1; return Buff[0]; end word Hide() is word I:=Pop(); while I< nName do Heap[Name[I]]:=char(0); I :=I+1; end end word rFlag; word Ctrl() is word cFlag:=0; //if cFlag =0 then if Comp(37)=0 then // if Cond(); Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); Emi3(Pop()+1,nCode); Emi3(Pop()+1,nCode); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end //end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(40)=0 then // while Push(nCode); Cond(); Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); word pExit2:=Pop(); word pExit1:=Pop(); word pLoop :=Pop(); Emi1(0xC3); // jmp Ofs Emi2(pLoop+256); Emi3(pExit1+1,nCode); Emi3(pExit2+1,nCode); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(46)=0 then // inline Buff[0]:=','; while Buff[0]=',' do Scan(); Emi1(val()); // db Val Scan(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(53)=0 then // return Scan(); Expr(); Emi1(0xC9); // ret rFlag:=0; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then word N:=Obj(I); if Var(2)=':' then Scan(); Expr(); Assign(N); end end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); MkBX(I); Emi1(0xE5); // push H end Scan(); // := Scan(); Expr(); Assign(I); end if Cls[I]=3 then Expr(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 end Scan(); end word Func() is Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end if rFlag!=0 then // 14.05.2006 // if rFlag=0 then Emi1(0xC9); // ret end end byte InitFCB() is FCB[ 0]:=0x00; FCB[ 1]:=byte('C'); word I:= 2; while I< 12 do FCB[I]:=byte(' '); I:= I+1; end while I< 36 do FCB[I]:=0x00; I:= I+1; end end begin setdma(); Init(); InitFCB(); FCB[ 9]:=byte('P'); FCB[10]:=byte('R'); FCB[11]:=byte('G'); open(); pText:=0; nText:=0; nLine:=1; Emi1(0xC3); // jmp ? nCode:=nCode+2; Scan(); while Comp(31)!=0 do // !begin Obj (Find(0)); char Ch:=Buff[0]; if Ch ='(' then Cls [nName]:= 3; Sub [nName]:= 0; Ofs [nName]:=nCode; nName :=nName+1; Push(nName); Scan(); if Buff[0]!=')' then Obj (Find(0)); while Var(1)=',' do Scan(); Obj (Find(0)); end end Scan(); // is Func(); Hide(); end if Ch!='(' then Var(0); end Scan(); end Emi3 (1,nCode); Func (); while mod(nCode,128)!=0 do Emi1(0x1A); end close(); InitFCB(); FCB[ 9]:=byte('C'); FCB[10]:=byte('O'); FCB[11]:=byte('M'); create(); word I:=0; word J:=0; while I<nCode do if J>=128 then write(); J:=0; end DMA[J]:=Code[I]; J:=J+1; I:=I+1; end write(); close(); end

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