Yet another simple compiler for PDP-11

Compiler source code listed below are analog of TinyContext for MS-DOS and may be compiled with it. To do this all I/O functions from open() to halt() must be replaced with it's MS-DOS analogs, Text array size must be increased from 2048 charactes to 16384 characters (IMPORTANT!) and source code must be compiled to get cross compiler. This cross compiler may be used to get PDP-11 compiler. For testing simhv/pdp11 emulator are used (PDP-11/05 with 48Kb memory). Compiler binary and compiled program must be placed on punched tapes, output code also on punched tape (in emulator environment tapes are files).

Source code:

char Text [ 2048]; word pText; word nText; word nLine; word Code [ 8192]; word nCode; word hFile; char Heap [ 2048]; word nHeap; word Name [ 256]; word Cls [ 256]; word Sub [ 256]; word Type [ 256]; word Size [ 256]; word Ofs [ 256]; word nName; word nData; word Stk [ 128]; word pStk; char Buff [ 128]; word mul (word A, word B) is word M:=0; while B >0 do word T :=A; word I :=1; while B-I>=I do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end M:=M+T; B:=B-I; end return M; end word div (word A, word B) is word D:=0; while A>=B do word T :=B; word I :=1; while A-T>=T do T:=T+T; I:=I+I; end A:=A-T; D:=D+I; end return D; end word mod (word A, word B) is return A-mul(div(A,B),B); end word open() is return 0; end word create() is return 0; end word getc() is inline 0x15C1, 0xFF68; // 012701 177550 // mov #TRS, R1 inline 0x0A89; // 005211 // inc (R1) inline 0x35C9, 0x8080; // 032711 100200 // bit #100200, (R1) inline 0x8104; // 100404 // bmi inline 0x03FC; // 001774 // beq inline 0x9C40, 0x0002; // 116100 000002 // movb 2(R1), R0 inline 0x0102; // 000402 // br inline 0x15C0, 0xFF00; // 012700 177400 // mov #ERR, R0 end word read() is word P:=0; word W:=getc(); while W!=0xFF00 do Text[P]:=char(W); P :=P+1; if P>=2048 then return P; end W:=getc(); end return P; end char punch(word B) is word B1:=B; inline 0x15C1, 0xFF6C; // 012701 177554 // mov #TPS, R1 inline 0x9031, 0x0002; // 110061 000002 // movb R0, 2(R1) inline 0x15C0, 0x0000; // 012700 000000 // mov #0, R0 inline 0x35C9, 0x8080; // 032711 100200 // bit #100200, (R1) inline 0x8102; // 100402 // bmi inline 0x03FC; // 001774 // beq inline 0x0102; // 000402 // br inline 0x15C0, 0x0001; // 012700 000001 // mov #1, R0 end word write() is word pCode:=0; while pCode<nCode do punch(mod(Code[pCode],256)); punch(div(Code[pCode],256)); pCode:=pCode+1; end end word close() is return 0; end char putc(char C) is char C1:=C; inline 0x15C1, 0xFF74; // 012701 177564 // mov #serial, R1 inline 0x9031, 0x0002; // 110061 000002 // movb R0, 2(R1) inline 0x8BC9; // 105711 // tstb (R1) inline 0x80FE; // 100376 // bpl end word halt() is inline 0x0000; end word Init() is Heap[ 0]:='0'; Heap[ 1]:='1'; Heap[ 2]:='2'; Heap[ 3]:='3'; Heap[ 4]:='4'; Heap[ 5]:='5'; Heap[ 6]:='6'; Heap[ 7]:='7'; Heap[ 8]:='8'; Heap[ 9]:='9'; Heap[10]:='A'; Heap[11]:='B'; Heap[12]:='C'; Heap[13]:='D'; Heap[14]:='E'; Heap[15]:='F'; Heap[16]:='c'; Heap[17]:='h'; Heap[18]:='a'; Heap[19]:='r'; Heap[20]:= char(0); Heap[21]:='b'; Heap[22]:='y'; Heap[23]:='t'; Heap[24]:='e'; Heap[25]:= char(0); Heap[26]:='w'; Heap[27]:='o'; Heap[28]:='r'; Heap[29]:='d'; Heap[30]:= char(0); Heap[31]:='b'; Heap[32]:='e'; Heap[33]:='g'; Heap[34]:='i'; Heap[35]:='n'; Heap[36]:= char(0); Heap[37]:='i'; Heap[38]:='f'; Heap[39]:= char(0); Heap[40]:='w'; Heap[41]:='h'; Heap[42]:='i'; Heap[43]:='l'; Heap[44]:='e'; Heap[45]:= char(0); Heap[46]:='i'; Heap[47]:='n'; Heap[48]:='l'; Heap[49]:='i'; Heap[50]:='n'; Heap[51]:='e'; Heap[52]:= char(0); Heap[53]:='r'; Heap[54]:='e'; Heap[55]:='t'; Heap[56]:='u'; Heap[57]:='r'; Heap[58]:='n'; Heap[59]:= char(0); Heap[60]:='e'; Heap[61]:='n'; Heap[62]:='d'; Heap[63]:= char(0); Heap[64]:='c'; Heap[65]:='.'; Heap[66]:='p'; Heap[67]:='r'; Heap[68]:='g'; Heap[69]:= char(0); Heap[70]:='c'; Heap[71]:='.'; Heap[72]:='c'; Heap[73]:='o'; Heap[74]:='m'; Heap[75]:= char(0); nHeap :=76; Name[ 0]:=16; Cls [ 0]:= 1; Size[ 0]:= 1; Name[ 1]:=21; Cls [ 1]:= 1; Size[ 1]:= 1; Name[ 2]:=26; Cls [ 2]:= 1; Size[ 2]:= 2; nName := 3; pStk := 0; nCode := 0; nData := 16640; end word Push(word V) is Stk[pStk]:=V; pStk:=pStk+1; end word Pop () is pStk:=pStk-1; return Stk[pStk]; end word putn(word N) is pStk:=0; while N!=0 do Push (mod(N,10)); N :=div(N,10); end while pStk!=0 do putc(char(Pop()+48)); end end word Stop() is putn (nLine); close(); halt (); end word val () is word E:=10; word I:= 0; if Buff[0]='0' then if Buff[1]='x' then E:=16; I:= 2; end end word N:=0; while Buff[I]!=char(0) do word K:=0; while Heap[K]!=Buff[I] do if K=E then Stop(); end K:=K+1; end N:=mul(E,N); N:=N+K; I:=I+1; end return N; end char Look() is if pText>=nText then pText :=0; nText :=read(); if pText>=nText then return char(0); end end return Text[pText]; end char Read() is char Ch:=Look(); if Ch =char(10) then nLine :=nLine+1; end pText :=pText+1; putc (Ch); return Ch; end word isalnum() is if 'A'<=Look() then if Look()<='Z' then return 0; end end if 'a'<=Look() then if Look()<='z' then return 0; end end if '0'<=Look() then if Look()<='9' then return 0; end end return 1; end word Digraph(char C1, char C2) is if Buff[0]=C1 then if Look()=C2 then Buff[1]:=Read(); Buff[2]:=char(0); end end end char Scan() is word pBuff:=0; while pBuff =0 do word sFlag:=0; while sFlag =0 do if Look()!=char( 9) then if Look()!=char(10) then if Look()!=char(13) then if Look()!=char(32) then sFlag:=1; end end end end if sFlag=0 then Read(); end end while isalnum()=0 do Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end if pBuff=0 then Buff[pBuff]:= Read(); pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Buff[pBuff] :=char(0); Digraph('<', '='); Digraph('!', '='); Digraph('>', '='); Digraph(':', '='); if Buff[0]='/' then if Look()='/' then while Look()!=char(10) do if Read()=char(0) then Stop(); end end pBuff:=0; end end end end word Comp(word pHeap) is word pBuff:=0; while Buff[pBuff]=Heap[pHeap] do if Buff[pBuff]=char(0) then return 0; end pHeap:=pHeap+1; pBuff:=pBuff+1; end return 1; end word Find(word fFlag) is word pName:=0; while pName< nName do if Comp(Name[pName])=0 then return pName; end pName:=pName+1; end if fFlag=0 then Stop(); end return pName; end word Emi2(word W) is Code[nCode]:=W; nCode:=nCode+1; end word Emi3(word P, word W) is //TODO Code[P] :=W; end word Assign(word I) is if Size[I]>1 then Emi2(0x1581); // 012601 // mov (SP)+, R1 if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi2(0x9031); // 110061 // movb R0, Adr(R1) end if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi2(0x1031); // 010061 // mov R0, Adr(R1) end end if Size[I]=1 then if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi2(0x901F); // 110037 // movb R0, @#Adr end if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi2(0x101F); // 010037 // mov R0, @#Adr end end Emi2(Ofs[I]); end word Expr() is word eFlag:=0; //if eFlag =0 then if '0'<=Buff[0] then if Buff[0]<='9' then Emi2(0x15C0); // 012700 // mov #Val, R0 Emi2(val()); eFlag:=1; end end if Buff[0]=''' then //TODO 128..255 Emi2(0x15C0); // 012700 // mov #Val, R0 Emi2(word(Read())); Read(); eFlag:=1; end if Buff[0]='(' then Scan(); Expr(); eFlag:=1; end //end if eFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then Push(I); Scan(); // ( Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Push(I); Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi2(0x9C00); // 116000 // movb Adr(R0), R0 end if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi2(0x0CC0); // 006300 // asl R0 Emi2(0x1C00); // 016000 // mov Adr(R0), R0 end end if Size[I]=1 then if Size[Type[I]]=1 then Emi2(0x97C0); // 113700 // movb @#Adr, R0 end if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi2(0x17C0); // 013700 // mov @#Adr, R0 end end Emi2(Ofs[I]); end if Cls[I]=3 then Scan(); // ( Push(I); Sub[nName]:= 0; word J:=I+1; while Sub[J]=1 do Push(J); Scan(); Expr(); J:=Pop(); Assign(J); J:=J+1; end I:=Pop(); if J=I+1 then Scan(); // ) end word W:=(0xFFFF-(((nCode+nCode)+4)-Ofs[I]))+1; Emi2(0x09F7); // 004767 // jsr Ofs Emi2(W); end end Scan(); word I:=0; if Buff[0]='+' then I:=1; end if Buff[0]='-' then I:=2; end if I!=0 then Emi2(0x1026); // 010046 // mov R0, -(SP) Push(I); Scan(); Expr(); I:=Pop(); if I=1 then Emi2(0x1581); // 012601 // mov (SP)+, R1 Emi2(0x6040); // 060100 // add R0, R1 end if I=2 then Emi2(0x1001); // 010001 // mov R0, R1 Emi2(0x1580); // 012600 // mov (SP)+, R0 Emi2(0xE040); // 160100 // sub R0, R1 end end end word Cond() is Scan(); Expr(); //TODO word jCode:=0; if Buff[0]='<' then jCode:=0x8700; // 1034XX // blo Ofs if Buff[1]='=' then jCode:=0x8300; // 1014XX // blos Ofs end end if Buff[0]='=' then jCode:=0x0300; // 0014XX // beq Ofs end if Buff[0]='!' then jCode:=0x0200; // 0010XX // bne Ofs end if Buff[0]='>' then jCode:=0x8200; // 1010XX // bhi Ofs if Buff[1]='=' then jCode:=0x8600; // 1030XX // bhis Ofs end end if jCode=0 then Stop(); end Emi2(0x1026); // 010046 // mov R0, -(SP) Scan(); Expr(); Emi2(0x1581); // 012601 // mov (SP)+, R1 Emi2(0xE001); // 160001 // sub R1, R0 Emi2(jCode+2); // bxx 2 end word Obj (word T) is if Cls[T]!=1 then Stop(); end Name[nName]:=nHeap; Type[nName]:= T; Scan(); if Find(1)<nName then Stop(); end word pBuff:=0; char Ch :=char(1); while Ch !=char(0) do Ch := Buff[pBuff]; Heap[nHeap]:= Ch; nHeap :=nHeap+1; pBuff :=pBuff+1; end Scan(); return nName; end char Var (word Subclass) is Cls [nName]:= 2; Sub [nName]:= Subclass; Size[nName]:= 1; Ofs [nName]:=nData; if Buff[0]='[' then if Subclass!=0 then Stop(); end Scan(); Size[nName]:=val(); Scan(); // ] Scan(); // ; end nData :=nData+(mul(Size[Type[nName]],Size[nName])); if mod(nData,2)!=0 then nData :=nData+1; end nName :=nName+1; return Buff[0]; end word Hide() is word I:=Pop(); while I< nName do Heap[Name[I]]:=char(0); I :=I+1; end end word rFlag; word Ctrl() is word cFlag:=0; //if cFlag =0 then if Comp(37)=0 then // if Cond(); Push(nCode); Emi2(0x0077); // 000167 // jmp ? nCode:=nCode+1; Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); word pSkip:=Pop(); Emi3(pSkip+1, (nCode+nCode)-((pSkip+pSkip)+4)); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end //end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(40)=0 then // while Push(nCode); Cond(); Push(nCode); Emi2(0x0077); // 000167 // jmp ? nCode:=nCode+1; Push(nName); Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end Hide(); word pExit:=Pop(); word pLoop:=Pop(); Emi2(0x0077); // 000167 // jmp Ofs Emi2((0xFFFF-((nCode+nCode+2)-(pLoop+pLoop)))+1); Emi3(pExit+1, (nCode+nCode)-((pExit+pExit)+4)); rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(46)=0 then // inline Buff[0]:=','; while Buff[0]=',' do Scan(); Emi2(val()); // dw Val Scan(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then if Comp(53)=0 then // return Scan(); Expr(); Emi2(0x0087); // 000207 // rts rFlag:=0; // 14.05.2006 cFlag:=1; end end if cFlag =0 then word I:=Find(0); if Cls[I]=1 then word N:=Obj(I); if Var(2)=':' then Scan(); Expr(); Assign(N); end end if Cls[I]=2 then if Size[I]>1 then Scan(); // [ Scan(); Expr(); if Size[Type[I]]=2 then Emi2(0x0CC0); // 006300 // asl R0 end Emi2(0x1026); // 010046 // mov R0, -(SP) end Scan(); // := Scan(); Expr(); Assign(I); end if Cls[I]=3 then Expr(); end rFlag:=1; // 14.05.2006 end Scan(); end word Func(word Rts) is Scan(); Ctrl(); while Comp(60)!=0 do // !end Ctrl(); end if rFlag!=0 then // 14.05.2006 // if rFlag=0 then //Emi2(0x0087); // 000207 // rts Emi2(Rts); end end begin Init(); hFile:=open(); pText:=0; nText:=0; nLine:=1; Emi2(0x0077); // 000167 // jmp ? nCode:=nCode+1; Scan(); while Comp(31)!=0 do // !begin Obj (Find(0)); char Ch:=Buff[0]; if Ch ='(' then Cls [nName]:= 3; Sub [nName]:= 0; Ofs [nName]:=nCode+nCode; nName :=nName+1; Push(nName); Scan(); if Buff[0]!=')' then Obj (Find(0)); while Var(1)=',' do Scan(); Obj (Find(0)); end end Scan(); // is Func(0x0087); Hide(); end if Ch!='(' then Var(0); end Scan(); end Emi3 (1, (nCode+nCode)-4); Func (0x0000); close(); hFile:=create(); write(); close(); end

MS-DOS I/O functions for cross compiler:

word open() is inline 0xB4, 0x3D; // mov AH, 3DH inline 0xB0, 0x00; // mov AL, 00H inline 0xBA, 0x4A, 0xC1; // mov DX, @@Data+Ofs(Heap[64]) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word create() is inline 0xB4, 0x3C; // mov AH, 03CH inline 0xB9, 0x00, 0x00; // mov CX, 00H inline 0xBA, 0x50, 0xC1; // mov DX, @@Data+Ofs(Heap[70]) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word read() is inline 0xB4, 0x3F; // mov AH, 3FH inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0xB9, 0x00, 0x40; // mov CX, 16384 inline 0xBA, 0x00, 0x41; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Text) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word write() is inline 0xB4, 0x40; // mov AH, 40H inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0x8B, 0x0E, 0x06, 0xC1; // mov CX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(nCode)] inline 0x03, 0xC9; // add CX, CX inline 0xBA, 0x06, 0x81; // mov DX, @@DATA+Ofs(Code) inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word close() is inline 0xB4, 0x3E; // mov AH, 3EH inline 0x8B, 0x1E, 0x08, 0xC1; // mov BX, word [@@DATA+Ofs(hFile)] inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end char putc(char C) is char C1:=C; inline 0x92; // xchg DX, AX inline 0xB4, 0x02; // mov AH, 2 inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end word halt() is inline 0xB8, 0x00, 0x4C; // mov AX, 4C00H inline 0xCD, 0x21; // int 21H end

To load compiler into memory small loader program listed below are used. It may be entered on PDP-11 blinkenlight console (to enter in emulator memory deposit commands are used, commands may be stored in pdp11.ini file):

;mov #177550, R1 deposit 137742 012701 deposit 137744 177550 ;mov #000400, R2 deposit 137746 012702 deposit 137750 000400 ;inc (R1) deposit 137752 005211 ;bit #100200, (R1) deposit 137754 032711 deposit 137756 100200 ;bmi 137776 deposit 137760 100406 ;beq 137752 deposit 137762 001774 ;movb 2(R1), 0(R2) deposit 137764 116162 deposit 137766 000002 deposit 137770 000000 ;inc R2 deposit 137772 005202 ;br ;137752 deposit 137774 000766 ;halt deposit 137776 000000

Then "insert punched tape" with compiler binary and load it into memory starting from address 000400 (0x100):

attach PTR C.COM go 137742

Then "insert punched tape" with compiled program, blank tape in puncher, set stack pointer (before loader, or if the loader is no longer needed, you can set 137776 address) and run the compiler:

attach PTR C.PRG attach PTP C.BIN deposit SP 137740 go 400

If no error occurs, output binary are punched on tape (in file C.BIN).

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